community AI



Using Translation Technology for Education Opportunities

A member named Shahid expressed interest in using translation technology to convert education materials to local languages, providing education opportunities to those who don’t know English.
The idea was well-received by the group, acknowledging the potential for inclusivity in education.
No specific conclusion or preferences were shared by the members.

Cybersecurity for Android

A member requested assistance or knowledge in cyber security for Android.
No specific conclusions were reached about the topic.
No preferences or suggestions were shared by the members.

Building a Support Assistant Bot with Llama-2-7b Chat-HF Model

A member sought advice on fine-tuning the Llama-2-7b chat-HF model with custom data to build a support assistant bot.
The member didn’t achieve the desired results and asked for recommended dataset formats and alternative suggestions.
No specific conclusions or preferences were shared by the members.

Android Security and Vulnerability
A high school student named Omar expressed interest in learning about Android security and vulnerability.
Omar sought assistance from experts in this matter.
No specific conclusions or preferences were shared by the members.

Networking and LinkedIn Profile Sharing
Praveen and Members introduced themselves, shared their professions, and connected with each other on LinkedIn.
Multiple LinkedIn profile links were shared in the conversation.
No specific conclusions or preferences were shared by the member

artificial intelligence community

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AI-generated using whatsapp messages. Note that this summary may be inaccurate.

About Community  Owner: Mohammad Arshad, A Globally recognized expert in AI

With 18+ years of experience, Mohammad Arshad has successfully enabled businesses to monetize their data and AI products. His technical and strategic expertise has helped 5 of the largest companies in the world, 10 SMEs, and 3 startups build effective Data and AI Strategies.

He founded Decoding Data Science in 2020, a successful AI Strategy consulting practice, and expanded into education in 2022 with the launch of DDS Academy.

Accenture, HP, Dell, LinkedIn, MAF, and other leading companies have recognized Mohammad as a Data Science and Strategy expert since 2005.

Mohammad Arshad has been teaching technical and non-technical audiences since 2008, making him a seasoned mentor and coach in the industry. He has helped 600+ individuals get their Dream jobs.

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