community AI


Summary of AI Community Chat

The AI community chat covered various topics related to AI, including upcoming meetups, new models, research papers, and potential crowdfunding for a new AI project.


Community Meetups

  • Members discussed the upcoming community meetups and the importance of attending them to provide valuable inputs and suggestions.
  • There was a request for speakers for the meetups, and a form was shared for anyone interested in presenting on interesting AI topics.
  • The 11th online weekly event agenda was shared with the members.


New Models and Research Papers

  • A new model called Langsmith was introduced, which aims to improve reliability and performance in taking applications from prototype to implementation.
  • PolyLM, an open-source multilingual LLM trained on 640B tokens, was discussed, which allows for the development of applications in different languages and handling tubular data from various regions of the world.
  • The Conformer-2 speech recognition model was also mentioned, which offers improved accuracy and robustness in processing noisy audio and dealing with names of people, places, and things.


Crowdfunding Idea

  • A crowdfunding idea was discussed, where members could contribute a small amount monthly to support the development of a new AI project.
  • The plan was to offer free access to the project’s features initially, then launch a pro version with additional functionalities.
  • The idea of building an AI development company within the community, where members collaborate on projects and share revenues, was also mentioned.


Enhancing Z-Lang

  • Members discussed the potential of Z-Lang, including its regional data capabilities and the possibility of launching a public version in the Middle East.
  • Ideas were shared on how to improve Z-Lang, such as adding multi-language user interfaces and offering a free trial period to attract users.
  • There was also a suggestion to create a video demo showcasing the model’s capabilities and practical usage in media.


OpenAI’s Model Limitations

  • The limitations of OpenAI’s models, such as ChatGPT, in accurately answering math questions and the degradation of accuracy over time were discussed.
  • It was suggested that alternative models like Whisper and Conformer, along with combining them, could potentially address these limitations.
  • Members also discussed the future incorporation of new advancements like Flash Attention 2.0 and Retentive Network into GPT models.

AI-generated using 170 messages. Note that this summary may be inaccurate.

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AI-generated using 191 messages. Note that this summary may be inaccurate.

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