community AI



*Comparison between GPT4 and GPT3.5*

Members discussed the comparison between GPT4 and GPT3.5, where they talked about the advantages and drawbacks of each model.

*GPT4 performance and creativity*

– Members mentioned that GPT4 is more creative than GPT3.5 but may provide wrong answers for creative questions.
– Some members disagreed and mentioned that GPT4 is suffering from drift and seems disproportional.
– One member compared the progress of TTS software with AI and mentioned that GPT3 is at a good pace while GPT4 has freedom to be overly creative.

*GPT4 worth and usage*

– Members discussed the importance of getting things done quickly, suggesting that GPT4 is suitable for work rather than hobby projects.
– One member shared their struggle with GPT4’s freedom of being overly creative and suggested that something between GPT4 and GPT3.5 would be more suitable for their needs.
– No concrete reason was found to go for GPT4, and another member recommended sharing more about the reasons for considering the subscription in order to provide informed insights.


*Excel for data analysis*

– A member talked about the potential of Excel for analysis tasks and curated a resource for absolute beginners to jump into data analysis using Excel.
– They offered assistance with the resource material and encouraged contacting them for any challenges.
– The intention was to increase awareness and alleviate stress related to the hype around Data Analyst roles.

Hugging Face


*AI Tool Preferences and Data Science Help*

Members discussed their favorite AI tools and offered help in data science.

*Favorite AI tool poll*

– Members proposed conducting a poll on the community’s favorite AI tool.
– They decided to exclude chatGPT from the poll.
– No final conclusion was reached on conducting the poll.

*Introduction of Meta’s Code Llama*

– Chris shared the announcement about Meta’s new AI tool ‘Code Llama’ for coding.
– Members expressed interest in exploring Code Llama.
– No further discussion or preferences were shared about Code Llama.

*Data Science Help*

– A new member asked for help in understanding the depth of data science.
– Another member, a data analyst, expressed an interest in learning how to model data.
– The request for video or helpful material recommendations remained unanswered.


*AI-powered Advertisements and Data Insights*

The members of the Artificial Intelligence community discussed various topics related to AI-powered advertisements, data insights, and research papers.

*Creating Innovative Advertisements using Generative AI on Amazon SageMaker*
– Members mentioned the article ‘Creating Innovative Advertisements using Generative AI on Amazon SageMaker’ as a resource.
– Some members expressed their interest in learning more about this topic.
– No conclusion or preferences were shared.

*Get insights of your data with DataLLM*

– The ‘Data LLM: Get insights from your data’ article was shared by a member.
– Some members appreciated the article and expressed their interest in leveraging data insights in their projects.
– No conclusion or preferences were shared.

*How AI Empowers Biomarker-Driven Clinical Trials*

– A member shared the article ‘How AI Empowers Biomarker-Driven Clinical Trials’.
– There was no further discussion or conclusion related to this topic.
– No conclusion or preferences were shared.

*User Journey Map in Product Development*

– Member discussed the importance of user journey maps in product development and deployment.
– No conclusion or preferences were shared.
– No specific examples or links were mentioned.

*Guidelines and Tips for Research Paper Writing*

– A member shared a link to a resource providing guidelines and tips on how to write a research paper.
– No further discussion or conclusion related to this topic.
– No conclusion or preferences were shared.

Join AI community to get access to Generative AI, AI & Data Science courses, live workshops, and all recordings for less than a Tea Price a month.

artificial intelligence community


Join AI community to get access to Generative AI, AI & Data Science courses, live workshops, and all recordings for less than a Tea Price a month. Use coupon code NOW10 FOR action takers. ( Only First 5 Coupons)

AI-generated using whatsapp messages. Note that this summary may be inaccurate.

About Community  Owner: Mohammad Arshad, A Globally recognized expert in AI

With 18+ years of experience, Mohammad Arshad has successfully enabled businesses to monetize their data and AI products. His technical and strategic expertise has helped 5 of the largest companies in the world, 10 SMEs, and 3 startups build effective Data and AI Strategies.

He founded Decoding Data Science in 2020, a successful AI Strategy consulting practice, and expanded into education in 2022 with the launch of DDS Academy.

Accenture, HP, Dell, LinkedIn, MAF, and other leading companies have recognized Mohammad as a Data Science and Strategy expert since 2005.

Mohammad Arshad has been teaching technical and non-technical audiences since 2008, making him a seasoned mentor and coach in the industry. He has helped 600+ individuals get their Dream jobs.

AI-generated using 191 messages. Note that this summary may be inaccurate.

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