community AI


AI News Updates and Community Meetup

Members discussed the possibility of organizing weekly AI news updates and a community meetup. One member shared a link for others to fill out a form with their preferred topic and date. Another member mentioned giving a talk on ‘Generative AI’ and invited others to join. The conversation also included introductions from new members.


Organizing Weekly AI News Updates

  • Members suggested the idea of having weekly AI news updates to stay updated on the latest advancements.
  • A link to a form was shared for members to submit their preferred topics and dates for these updates.
  • One member expressed their interest in doing this and stated they will fill out the form.


Community Meetup and Talk on ‘Generative AI’

  • One member mentioned giving a talk on ‘Generative AI’ at a community meetup.
  • Another member asked about joining the session and offline participation details.
  • A link was shared for members to fill out a form with their preferred topic and date for the community meetup.


Source for Converting Sentiment Model into Pipeline

  • A member asked for a source to find detailed steps on converting a fine-tuned sentiment model into a pipeline like the ones in Huggingface.
  • Another member shared a link to the Transformers documentation, which provides information on defining a sentiment analysis pipeline using the HF library.
  • Examples and code snippets were also shared to assist in using the pipeline for sentiment analysis.


Discussion on AI’s Impact on Software Development

  • Members discussed how AI and ML have transformed software development, with one member mentioning that 90% of their code is AI-generated.
  • Tools like Github Copilot, Codeium, and GPT4 were mentioned as examples of AI assistance in code generation.
  • Codeium’s chat UI in code editors and the announcement of new extensions for various editors were also discussed.

Join AI community to get access to Generative AI, AI & Data Science courses, live workshops, and all recordings for less than a Tea Price a month.

artificial intelligence community


Join AI community to get access to Generative AI, AI & Data Science courses, live workshops, and all recordings for less than a Tea Price a month. Use coupon code NOW10 FOR action takers. ( Only First 5 Coupons)

AI-generated using whatsapp messages. Note that this summary may be inaccurate.

About Community  Owner: Mohammad Arshad, A Globally recognized expert in AI

With 18+ years of experience, Mohammad Arshad has successfully enabled businesses to monetize their data and AI products. His technical and strategic expertise has helped 5 of the largest companies in the world, 10 SMEs, and 3 startups build effective Data and AI Strategies.

He founded Decoding Data Science in 2020, a successful AI Strategy consulting practice, and expanded into education in 2022 with the launch of DDS Academy.

Accenture, HP, Dell, LinkedIn, MAF, and other leading companies have recognized Mohammad as a Data Science and Strategy expert since 2005.

Mohammad Arshad has been teaching technical and non-technical audiences since 2008, making him a seasoned mentor and coach in the industry. He has helped 600+ individuals get their Dream jobs.

AI-generated using 191 messages. Note that this summary may be inaccurate.

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