Outliers refer to the data points that differ significantly from the other data points in a data set. Outliers can have a significant impact on the statistical analysis of a data set. They can skew the results of statistical analysis, and therefore, it is important to detect and handle outliers in a data set.

Importance of Outliers in Statistics

Outliers can significantly affect the statistical analysis of a data set. Outliers can influence the mean, standard deviation, and other statistical measures. Therefore, it is important to identify and handle outliers to obtain accurate statistical results.

Types of Outliers

There are two types of outliers, univariate outliers, and multivariate outliers.

Univariate Outliers

Univariate outliers refer to the data points that are significantly different from other data points in a single variable.

Multivariate Outliers

Multivariate outliers refer to the data points that are significantly different from other data points in multiple variables.

Causes of Outliers

There are several causes of outliers in a data set. Some of the most common causes of outliers are measurement error, sampling error, and data entry error.

Measurement Error

Measurement error can occur due to several factors such as faulty equipment, human error, or environmental factors. For example, a faulty thermometer can produce incorrect temperature readings, resulting in outliers in a data set.

Sampling Error

Sampling error can occur when a sample is not representative of the population. For example, if a sample size is too small or the sampling method is biased, the resulting data set may contain outliers.

Data Entry Error

Data entry errors can occur when data is entered into a database or spreadsheet. For example, typing errors or transposition errors can result in outliers in a data set.

Detecting Outliers

There are several methods to detect outliers in a data set. The most common methods are the Z-score method and the interquartile range method.

Z-Score Method

The Z-score method is used to identify outliers based on their distance from the mean. The Z-score is calculated by subtracting the mean from the data point and dividing the result by the standard deviation. If the Z-score is greater than a certain threshold value, the data point is considered an outlier.

Interquartile Range Method

The interquartile range (IQR) method is used to identify outliers based on the distribution of the data. The IQR is calculated by subtracting the 25th percentile from the 75th percentile. The data points that fall outside of the range of 1.5 times the IQR are considered outliers.

Handling Outliers

There are two main methods to handle outliers, removing outliers and replacing outliers.

Removing Outliers

Removing outliers involves removing the data points that are considered outliers from the data set. This method can significantly affect the statistical results of a data set.

Replacing Outliers

Replacing outliers involves replacing the data points that are considered outliers with a new

value. The replacement value can be determined based on several methods such as imputation or interpolation.

Applications of Outliers in Real Life

Outliers are prevalent in several fields such as finance, health care, and education.


In finance, outliers can significantly affect the performance of a portfolio. For example, if a stock in a portfolio experiences a significant gain or loss, it can skew the overall performance of the portfolio.

Health Care

In health care, outliers can be used to identify patients who require additional medical attention. For example, if a patient’s health metrics are significantly different from the average patient, they may require additional medical attention.


In education, outliers can be used to identify students who require additional support. For example, if a student’s test scores are significantly different from the average student, they may require additional educational support.


Outliers are an important concept in statistics. They can significantly affect the statistical analysis of a data set and can have a significant impact on several fields such as finance, health care, and education. Therefore, it is important to detect and handle outliers to obtain accurate statistical results.

If you want to learn more about statistical analysis, including central tendency measures, check out our comprehensive statistical course. Our course provides a hands-on learning experience that covers all the essential statistical concepts and tools, empowering you to analyze complex data with confidence. With practical examples and interactive exercises, you’ll gain the skills you need to succeed in your statistical analysis endeavors. Enroll now and take your statistical knowledge to the next level!


If you’re looking to jumpstart your career as a data analyst, consider enrolling in our comprehensive Data Analyst Bootcamp with Internship program. Our program provides you with the skills and experience necessary to succeed in today’s data-driven world. You’ll learn the fundamentals of statistical analysis, as well as how to use tools such as SQL, Python, Excel, and PowerBI to analyze and visualize data designed by Mohammad Arshad, 18 years of   Data Science & AI Experience.. But that’s not all – our program also includes a 3-month internship with us where you can showcase your Capstone Project.

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