Interquartile statistics, also known as the middle 50% or the midspread, is a measure of dispersion that is based on quartiles. Quartiles divide a dataset into four equal parts, with the first quartile (Q1) being the value at which 25% of the data falls below, the second quartile (Q2) being the median value, and the third quartile (Q3) being the value at which 75% of the data falls below.

The interquartile range (IQR) is the difference between the third and first quartiles, or Q3-Q1. Interquartile statistics is the set of statistical measures that are based on the IQR, including the median absolute deviation (MAD), the trimmed mean, and the box-and-whisker plot.

How to Calculate Interquartile Statistics

To calculate the interquartile range, you need to sort the data in ascending order and find the first and third quartiles. The first quartile is the value at which 25% of the data falls below, and the third quartile is the value at which 75% of the data falls below.

Once you have Q1 and Q3, you can calculate the IQR by subtracting Q1 from Q3: IQR = Q3 – Q1.

The median absolute deviation (MAD) is another interquartile statistic that measures the variability of a dataset. It is calculated as the median of the absolute deviations from the median value.

The trimmed mean is an interquartile statistic that is less sensitive to extreme values. It involves removing a certain percentage of the smallest and largest values before calculating the mean.

Applications of Interquartile Statistics

Interquartile statistics are commonly used in a variety of fields, including finance, economics, and social sciences.

In finance, interquartile statistics are used to analyze the volatility of stock prices and to identify outliers in financial data.

In economics, interquartile statistics are used to analyze income inequality and to compare the income distribution of different populations.

In social sciences, interquartile statistics are used to analyze survey data and to identify differences in the attitudes and behaviors of different groups.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Interquartile Statistics

One advantage of interquartile statistics is that they are less sensitive to extreme values than other measures of dispersion, such as the standard deviation. This makes them useful for datasets with outliers or extreme values.

Another advantage of interquartile statistics is that they are easy to calculate and interpret. They provide a simple way to describe the spread of a dataset.

However, one disadvantage of interquartile statistics is that they do not provide information about the shape of the distribution. They only describe the spread of the middle 50% of the data.

Interquartile Statistics vs. Other Measures of Dispersion

Interquartile statistics have some advantages over other measures of dispersion, such as the range and standard deviation. The range only considers the difference between the highest and lowest values, which can be affected by outliers. The standard deviation is sensitive to outliers and assumes a normal distribution.

Interquartile statistics, on the other hand, are robust to outliers and provide a measure of the spread that is based on the middle 50% of the data. This makes them a useful alternative when extreme values are present in the dataset.


Interquartile statistics provide a simple and robust way to measure the spread of a dataset. By focusing on the middle 50% of the data, they are less sensitive to outliers and provide a more accurate picture of the typical range of values. Interquartile statistics are widely used in finance, economics, and social sciences, and are an essential tool for analyzing and interpreting data.


If you want to learn more about statistical analysis, including central tendency measures, check out our comprehensive statistical course. Our course provides a hands-on learning experience that covers all the essential statistical concepts and tools, empowering you to analyze complex data with confidence. With practical examples and interactive exercises, you’ll gain the skills you need to succeed in your statistical analysis endeavors. Enroll now and take your statistical knowledge to the next level!


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