Learn Data Science under a Guided Mentorship and deliver challenging projects in a unique Boot camp that will make you a master and excel in

1. Programming: Write logic and expertise in handling Data in SQL and Python.

2. Statistics & Mathematics: When and what technique to use and interpret. Basic Statistics and Mathematics underneath all Machine Learning.

3. Modeling: Detailed explanation of all the modeling steps required in Data Science Projects.

4. Communication & Business Skills: Translating Business Problems, Insights from Big Data and Stakeholder Management.

6 detailed modules to be a successful data scientist

● Formulas and Functions

● Visualization

● Dashboarding

● Data Analysis

● Tableau

● Power BI

● Filtering Data

● Functions in Database

● Displaying Data from Multiple tables

● Grouping Data and Computing Aggregates

● Subqueries and Nested queries in SQL

● Windows Function

● Descriptive Statistics

● Hypothesis Testing

● Fundamentals of Probability

● Linear Algebra

● ANOVA and Covariance

● Conditionals and Loops

● Operation and Operator

● Functions and Classes

● Data Wrangling – NumPy & Panda

● Visualization: Matplotlib & Seaborn

● Linear Regression

● Logistic Regression

● Decision Trees

● Clustering

Customized Courses

Analytics for Managers

Business Analyst

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